Walk the Walk Week is an annual call to celebration and reflection. Traditionally observed in conjunction with Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the week includes a series of events designed to help us consider how we—both individually and collectively—might take an active role in making Notre Dame even more welcoming and inclusive.

Walk the Walk Week

Walk the Walk logo


To both advance and support increased diversity and inclusion in the Notre Dame community, the University invests in a range of initiatives and programming for students, faculty, and staff.

Below is a selection of new and ongoing activities. Whenever possible, links are provided for more information.

Faculty Initiatives

Moreau Faculty Development Fellowships

This Graduate School initiative seeks to increase the number of scholars who contribute to the intellectual vibrancy, cultural competency, and research excellence of Notre Dame. Recently, three of the program fellows were hired into tenure-track positions at the University. The program has also been expanded to fund the hiring of even more fellows in the future.

Recruitment and Retention of Underrepresented Faculty

Each college and school has identified a diversity and inclusion coordinator to assist its dean with monitoring its diversity and inclusion plan and to serve as a liaison to the director for academic diversity and inclusion in the Office of the Provost. The diversity and inclusion coordinators and the director for academic diversity and inclusion work collaboratively to support the recruitment goals of the department chairs and deans.

Librarian-In-Residence Program

This two-year program recruits recent library school graduates who can enhance the diversity of the library science profession and the University while developing career interests in various aspects of academic librarianship.

University Committee on Women Faculty and Students (UCWFS)

The UCWFS considers policies, practices, and the general environment of the University as they relate to women faculty and students. The committee serves in an advisory capacity reporting to the president through the provost and may make recommendations for action to the president, or, as he directs, for action by the other officers of the University and the Academic Council.

Student Initiatives

Student Diversity and Inclusion

The Notre Dame community embraces and celebrates every student who sets foot on our campus. It is our hope that all students will find respect, hospitality, and warmth at Our Lady’s University. The Division of Student Affairs is proud to support resources, programming, and initiatives that celebrate and promote our diverse community.

Advisory Committees for Student Climate

Comprised of undergraduate and graduate student representatives, administrators, and faculty, the Advisory Committee for Student Climate Related to Race and Ethnicity and the Advisory Committee for Student Climate Related to LGBTQ Students are designed to offer input to the vice president for Student Affairs about the Notre Dame campus climate for students, especially related to topics around diversity and inclusion.

Student Recognition Awards

Office of Student Enrichment

The Office of Student Enrichment offers programming and potential resources for members of the Notre Dame community who identify with the first-generation college and/or low-income student experience. The department strives to serve all students including international, undocumented and DACA, transfer, and other non-traditional background students.

University Committee on Women Faculty and Students (UCWFS)

The UCWFS considers policies, practices, and the general environment of the University as they relate to women faculty and students. The committee serves in an advisory capacity reporting to the president through the provost and may make recommendations for action to the president, or, as he directs, for action by the other officers of the University and the Academic Council.

Residential Life Initiatives

Residence Hall Multicultural Commissioners include a representative from each hall on campus. Each commissioner’s role is to raise awareness about different cultures and traditions within their respective halls. Gender Relations Center Residence Hall Commissioners promote the mission of the GRC in various ways with their leadership and communication skills.

Inclusive Campus Survey

In February 2018, the Division of Student Affairs, in consultation with numerous students, faculty, staff, and the Office of Strategic Planning & Institutional Research (OSPIR), administered a survey to assess the overall climate on campus related to diversity and inclusion. The survey was sent to all enrolled students (both undergraduate and post-baccalaureate), and 52% responded. 

Staff Initiatives

ND Voice Survey and Upward Feedback Assessments

Diversity and inclusion questions have been added to both the ND Voice and Upward Feedback assessments to gather feedback from employees and assist with appropriate action planning aimed at addressing issues of diversity.

Staff Diversity Plans

Notre Dame’s executive vice president and his leadership team meet to review progress on diversity initiatives within their divisions. Goals for the three areas of focus in the Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan (climate, recruiting/hiring, and training) are being developed and implemented.

Diversity Catalyst Program

Participants will receive formal training on bias and best practices in recruiting and hiring, and general diversity and inclusion activities. Responsibilities within their division include sitting on search committees, assisting Human Resources' Talent Acquisition team in ensuring diversity of search committees, and assisting in facilitating engagement with Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) when candidates come to campus.

Diversity Recruitment Review Process 

Hiring managers will be required to check with Human Resources' Talent Acquisition team to ensure that all exempt initial interview pools meet or exceed the expected diversity percentage based on market availability data. This process will focus on ensuring sufficient representation of minorities and women in a key stage of the search process from which final candidates are selected.

Employee Resource Groups

Sponsored by the Office of Human Resources, these groups support networking and provide social outlets; they also assist the University with recruitment, retention, and educational activities. Current groups include: 

Employee Resource Group (ERG) Ambassador Program

ERG ambassadors will assist in recruiting efforts, including sharing job opportunities within existing networks and also creating a welcoming and inclusive environment when job candidates are in final interviews.

Diversity Discussions

Designed to be participatory and highly interactive, the Discussion Series presents an opportunity for all Notre Dame staff to share experiences, learn from each other, and ultimately grow to make the University a more diverse and inclusive place where everyone can do their very best work. Visit the HR website for more information on this series, presented by the Office of Human Resources, the director of Staff Diversity and Inclusion, and Campus Dining. 

Office of Institutional Equity

The mission of the Office of Institutional Equity is to provide leadership and support to the Notre Dame community regarding principles of fair treatment and equal opportunity for all students, faculty, staff, and job applicants.