A Notre Dame man for others

Author: Daily Domer Staff

Robert Miller

Kevin Brennan ’07 | July 23, 2015  


Robert Miller wakes up every morning eager to get back to work. He rides a stationary bike and eats breakfast, which always includes a large green smoothie made of an apple, a pear, two bananas, and lots of kale. By 8:30, he is at his computer, shepherding the start-up company he launched last year. 

Miller is not, however, some young entrepreneur fresh out of business school. He is a 94-year-old—“94-and-a-half,” he is quick to point out—former judge who could be spending his time in much more relaxing and age-typical fashion. But he refuses to slow down. 
“I’ve never been so busy,” the decorated World War II veteran explains. Miller is passionate about solving problems. His latest cause is a personal one: helping elderly people who want to maintain their independence and dignity as they age. His new company, Rising Improvements, is developing products that, Miller hopes, will allow them to do just that. 

Read more here.

Originally published by Daily Domer Staff at dailydomer.nd.edu on July 23, 2015.