VIDEO| Addressing Financial Needs of Entrepreneurs in Poverty: Novel Solutions

Author: Kirianna West

Addressing Financial Needs of Entrepreneurs in Poverty: Novel Solutions

The latest Global Partnership for Poverty and Entrepreneurship webinar, Addressing Financial Needs of Entrepreneurs in Poverty: Novel Solutions, took place on July 16. This webinar, led by an expert panel and moderated by Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame professor Michael Morris, explored the financial needs of low-income and disadvantaged entrepreneurs, alternative ways those needs are currently being addressed, and where the most significant gaps tend to lie.

Click below to watch the full webinar.

Screen capture of four people. From left to right Ivan Light PhD, Michael Hou, Ana Paula Matias Gama PhD, and Amon Simba PhD. This image links to the Addressing Financial needs of entrepreneurs in poverty: novel solutions webinar

Originally published by Kirianna West at on August 07, 2024.