Aprahamian joins steering committee for Science Public Engagement Partnership

Author: Shelly Goethals

Ani Dec 2020

Freimann Professor Ani Aprahamian has been invited to join the steering committee for a Department of Energy Office of Science and Kavli Foundation partnership, SciPEP (Science Public Engagement Partnership) to explore the special characteristics and challenges of public engagement in basic research, create tool kits and resources for scientists and researchers performing basic research to use to engage the broader public, and stimulate scholarship around public understanding and support of basic science. The steering committee has scientists, communicators, and scholars who study and practice science communication. The project had its beginnings in the observation that there is a gap between advances that are taking place in science communication and science public engagement.  The public engagement with basic, curiosity-driven, or fundamental research is rarely the focus of community conversations. The initiative is driven by an MOU signed on December 14, 2020 between the DOE Office of Science director, Dr. Chris Falls and the Kavli foundation President and CEO Bob Conn.

For more information: https://www.energy.gov/science/articles/partnership-public-engagement

Originally published by Shelly Goethals at physics.nd.edu on December 21, 2020.