CCHR announces 2015 internships

Author: Kevin Fye

Class of 2015 interns


The Center for Civil and Human Rights has announced post-graduate professional internships for its LL.M. class of 2015. Eleven graduates will serve in key human rights positions at international NGOs and human rights bodies in seven countries.

“The internship experience is an integral part of our human rights LL.M. program,” says program director Sean O’Brien. “Internships allow our students to bring their classroom-based knowledge to leading human rights organizations and to directly impact how these organizations fulfill their missions. We are grateful to our benefactors for supporting these transformative experiences for our graduates.”

In addition to recurring positions with CCHR partner organizations such as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the Inter-American Court, and the Holy See’s Mission to Geneva, opportunities are available for students to design their own post-graduate projects. Each October, CCHR solicits proposals from students who want to continue their education beyond graduation. Working with LL.M. Director Sean O’Brien, these internships are developed to serve the students’ individual interests and professional goals. CCHR provides support for most students who obtain an internship.

CCHR sponsored internships for 2015 include:


  • Srishti Agnihotri, Intellectual Property Watch, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Lorena Bazay Dulanto, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), Bangkok, Thailand
  • Augustine Hti San, EarthRights International, Washington, DC/Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Fabian Sanchez Matus, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Washington, D.C.
  • Maria Florencia Reggiardo, Notre Dame Clerk at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, San Jose, Costa Rica
  • Yuri Saldarriage Gonzalez, visiting professional at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, San Jose, Costa Rica
  • Arnold Kwesiga, Parliament Watch Uganda, Kampala
  • Michelle Langlois, Social Accountability International, New York
  • Messina Manirakiza, The Permanent Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Fabiana Nunez del Prado Nieto, The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • Aida Ziganshina, the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, Legal Office for the Victims and Witnesses Unit, The Hague, Netherlands


Profiles of our graduating LL.M. students may be found here.


Originally published by Kevin Fye at on July 14, 2015.