Center for Arts and Culture connects campus to community

Author: Daily Domer Staff



Selena Ponio, The Observer | October 14, 2017

The Notre Dame Center for Arts and Culture, located in South Bend, seeks to educate people through art, culture and community engagement. Associate director of community relations Jackie Rucker said the South Bend community created the idea.

“We conducted surveys in the community to find out if Notre Dame had a facility in the west side of town what they would like us to do,” Rucker said. “Overwhelmingly the community expressed an interest in exposure to art and culture and, in particular, art and culture in underrepresented groups.”

The center was inaugurated in March 2013 when Gilberto Cardenas, founding director of the Institute for Latino Studies, was looking for a new location in the community for the institute.

“Our job at this center is to connect the campus to the community and vice versa,” Rucker said.

Read more here.

Originally published by Daily Domer Staff at on October 14, 2017.