Diversity recognition ceremonies planned for graduates

Author: Kate Russell


Special recognition ceremonies for Asian and Pacific Islander, Latino, African-American and Native American members of the University of Notre Dames graduating class of 2004 will be held Friday to Sunday (May 14 to 16) on campus.p. The Latino Recognition Ceremony will take place at 7 p.m. Friday in Washington Hall. George A. Lopez, professor of political science and director of policy studies at Notre Dames Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, will address 49 graduating Latino seniors and their families and friends.p. The Asian and Pacific Islander Recognition Ceremony will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday in the Annenberg Auditorium of the Snite Museum of Art. Bradley J. Malkovsky, associate professor of theology at Notre Dame, will speak to the assembly, which will include 37 graduating seniors.p. The Native American Recognition Ceremony/Dinner, at which three seniors will be honored, will take place at 7 p.m. Saturday in the Main Building.Nancy R. Petty, a 1995 Notre Dame graduate and chair of the Universitys Native American Alumni Association, will be the principal speaker.p. The African-American Recognition Ceremony will be held at 8:45 a.m. Sunday in Washington Hall. University Trustee and 1996 graduate Sharmien (Swinton) Watkins will address 59 African-American seniors and their families and friends.p. The special recognition ceremonies have been organized by the Universitys Multicultural Student Programs and Services.

TopicID: 5202

Originally published by Susan Guibert at news.nd.edu on May 11, 2004.