English as a New Language (ENL) classes for staff

Author: Anna McKeever

Enl Web

Improve your written and spoken English with free English as a New Language (ENL) classes for Notre Dame staff.

Mastering English can improve both your career and your relationships. In these classes, you will learn new vocabulary, improve your pronunciation and grammar, and gain confidence on the job and in your daily living.

  • Mondays and Wednesdays, January 27 – April 29
  • 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. each day
  • Mason Service Ctr. Training Room

Courses are taught on Notre Dame’s campus by South Bend Community School Corporation instructors.

Contact LaTonia Ferguson at (574) 631-5679 or LFergus2@nd.edu.

English as a New Language (ENL) Classes Poster 2019 20

Originally published by Anna McKeever at hr.nd.edu on August 13, 2019.