Fiat Program on Faith and Mental Health trains ministers to support those with mental illness

Author: Margaret Scroope

Fiat Program on Faith and Mental Health

Following its mission to strengthen parish communities of belonging and hope to better support persons and families living with mental illness, the Fiat Program on Faith and Mental Health offers formation for dioceses across the United States. The formation trains diocesan and parish staff, priests, deacons, and Catholic educators in an understanding of mental health and Church life and offers best practices for supporting those with mental illness.

As of March 2024, 50 men and women who serve in dioceses and parishes across the United States have completed the 10-week Fiat course in Mental Health and Church Life. Those who’ve completed the program have since initiated prayer and support groups within their respective parishes and broadened diocesan networks of education and support. The Fiat Program has special partnerships with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Diocese of Green Bay to train ministers who go on to become trainers for fellow ministers in their dioceses. To keep up to date with future opportunities with the Fiat Program, please click here.

Originally published by Margaret Scroope at on August 15, 2024.