FTT to perform play exploring racism, identity

Author: The Observer

Native Gardens

Serena Zacharias, The Observer

To kick off the spring semester, the Notre Dame Film, Television and Theatre (FTT) department will perform Karen Zacarias’ comedy “Native Gardens.” The play will be directed by FTT Director of Theatre, Kevin Dreyer and will run from Feb. 22 to Mar. 4 in the Philbin Studio Theater in the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center.

“Native Gardens” tells the story of a Latinx couple and a white couple feuding over the fence marking the boundary between their backyards and explores a variety of current social and political issues.

“The barrier exists between two backyards as opposed to between two nations, but the polarities between the two couples are set up in virtually every way that’s possible,” Dreyer said. “There are flashpoints throughout, and they eventually culminate into a border war.”

Read the full article. 

Originally published by The Observer at ndsmcobserver.com on February 21, 2018.