Applications open for student essay contest on global citizenship

Author: Joya Helmuth

Forum 2017 Feature

Global Forum Essay Contest

In conjunction with the Notre Dame Forum: Going Global, Notre Dame International is pleased to announce the first essay contest on global citizenship. We invite all Notre Dame students to write a brief essay addressing what it means to be a global citizen, what the challenges and rewards are, and how you have used or will use your Notre Dame education to become a global citizen. The contest is open to all Notre Dame students.


Four winners will be chosen by a panel of ND faculty and administrators, and recognized during the April 12th Global Forum event featuring special guest Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus. Winners will also be invited to participate in the discussion panel, and to the VIP dinner with Dr. Yunus where they will be given one of his books.


Essay contest details and submission information can be found here and questions can be directed to The deadline for submission is March 25, 2018, at 11:59pm.


About the Global Forum:

The 2017-18 Notre Dame Forum explores the challenges and opportunities posed by globalization. Through a series of debates and discussions of major policy issues, we will encourage sustained reflection on how faculty, staff and students can incorporate a morally grounded global awareness into our research, teaching, practice and service. All are encouraged to consider how to engage with the Forum topic and extend the dialogue into the classroom, lab, studio, and workplace. Such participation can transform the Forum from a series of lectures into a true campus-wide conversation.


Since its establishment in 2005 by Notre Dame’s president, Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., the Notre Dame Forum has addressed timely topics from multiple perspectives. What began as a one-day event has since evolved into a yearlong examination of a specific issue, with featured talks by leading authorities, classroom discussions, panels, workshops, symposia, and other events – all with the purpose of enlightening the campus community and elevating our dialogue.
The first Forum explored the role of faith in a pluralistic society. Subsequent Forums have explored global healthimmigrationsustainability, the global marketplaceK-12 educationdemocracy and faithwomen in leadership, and other topics. More information on these and upcoming events can be found on the Forum website.


Originally published by Joya Helmuth at on March 06, 2018.