Howard Hall Organizes 'Chapel Crawl'

Author: Daily Domer Staff

Howard 7

Andrew Cameron | March 29, 2017

Howard 7

Many students regularly attend Sunday Mass in their dorms, but during the Lenten season, students from Howard Hall encourage the community to take Mass attendance a step further. Since 2011, students organizing the annual Howard Hall Chapel Crawl have scheduled Mass in a different chapel every day of Lent, allowing participants to attend Mass in every dorm chapel and many chapels in other buildings on campus.

Sophomore Emily Patton, a resident of Howard Hall, organized the event as liturgical commissioner last year and now runs the Twitter account and Facebook page for the event. She said she encourages the campus community to attend Mass in various chapels during Lent to gain new experiences and perspectives while bonding with fellow students.

“Every night during Lent — except Saturdays — we have a Mass hosted in a different dorm, and we communicate with all the dorms to make sure it fits their schedule,” Patton said. “We try to hit all the fun food-Masses like the Dillon milkshake Mass and whatnot, and then, throughout Lent, we encourage people to go to those Masses, and someone in Howard leads a walkover to Mass every night of the Chapel Crawl.”

Patton said the Twitter account — @chapelcrawl17 — is a new addition this year that will notify its followers of the Chapel Crawl’s schedule.

“It gives people updates everyday on what Masses are happening, so if people subscribe to the Twitter with their phone, they can get a text telling them when we’re going to Mass,” she said.

While a few students try to attend Mass every day for the Chapel Crawl, most only stay for part of the scheduled Masses, Patton said.

Read more here.

Originally published by Daily Domer Staff at on March 29, 2017.