Cynthia Cordes, '04 J.D. receives award from Missouri Commission on Human Rights

Author: Tammye Raster

Trailblazer Award for promoting civil rights and equal justice

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The Missouri Commission on Human Rights named Cynthia Cordes the recipient of its 2016 Judge Arnold Krekel Trailblazer Award for promoting civil rights and equal justice. The award honors individuals or organizations that show passion for civil rights and equal justice and is named after the federal judge who presided over Missouri’s 1865 Constitutional Convention, signing the ordinance abolishing slavery in Missouri. Cordes is a partner at Husch Blackwell in Kansas City where she leads the firm’s Human Trafficking Corporate Compliance initiative where she provides anti-trafficking policies, training, and audits for corporations that are either mandated by new federal regulations to rid their supply chains of issues related to human trafficking or that otherwise elect to proactively address the issue in their company. She also founded the firm’s Human Trafficking Legal Clinic, the first of its kind in the country, in 2013.

Originally published by Tammye Raster at on November 29, 2016.