Irish Abroad: Adams' Indian education

Author: Daily Domer Staff

Kiley Adams at the India-Myanmar border.

Kiley Adams | August 10, 2016

Kiley Adams

Forty-eight hours. That was all the time I had to adjust from the organized opulence of our French trip to being alone in the hectic and raw streets of India.

While I thought I knew what I was getting myself into having worked in India last summer for two months at an NGO for children with disabilities, nothing could prepare me for this new adventure. The adventure was supposed to entail independent research on the Community Based Rehabilitation model for peoples with disability in rural India.

Little did I know it would also entail an overnight camel safari into the Thar Desert, time spent living with a rural village family and learning their traditional trade of carpet weaving, or literally walking into another country (Myanmar) after playing a game of glorified charades with their military personnel on border patrol. 

Read more here.

Originally published by Daily Domer Staff at on August 10, 2016.