Initiative on Race and Resilience and Student Government collaborate for The Color Purple book club and dinner

Author: Aurea Hernandez-Webster

Book club participants with their copies of The Color Purple

The Initiative on Race and Resilience’s student leader Chloe Miller and Luzolo Matundu, Director of Diversity & Inclusion: Race and Ethnicity, Student Government led a lively discussion of Alice Walker’s enduring classic The Color Purple last evening in the Sojourner Truth Commons as the first part of a joint Black and Women’s History Months recognition. Participants explored the novel’s critical themes of female solidarity, sisterhood, overcoming the legacy of gender violence, and the power of resilience. By all accounts, the engaging discourse left the participants eager for more.

Chloe and Luzolo will continue their moderator roles with the upcoming screening and panel discussion of the musical The Color Purple (2023) on Friday, March 22, at 5:30 pm at Browning Cinema. This event is ticketed, free, and open to the public. Save the Date.


Originally published by Aurea Hernandez-Webster at on February 29, 2024.