Letras Latinas presents off-campus event in the community

Author: Institute for Latino Studies

Institute for Latino Studies

Juan J. MoralesJuan J. Morales

Letras Latinas, the literary initiative of the ILS, is pleased to present, for the first time, an off-campus event in our local community—specifically, at the Notre Dame Center for Arts and Culture, located at 1045 West Washington. The poets Juan J. Morales, Oliver Baez Bendorf, and Roy Chicky Arad, will be performing their work on Thursday, November 7, at 7 PM. 

“One portion of our stated mission is ‘to place Latinx writers in community spaces.’ And yet it’s something we haven’t done enough of, particularly here, locally. In this regard, Letras Latinas is pleased to be partnering with the Brick Reading Series, in particular with Notre Dame MFA candidate Jahan Khajavi, who’s doing a splendid job with it, said Francisco Aragón, director of Letras Latinas.

Oliver Baez BendorfOliver Baez Bendorf

In addition to their public reading in the community, Morales and Baez Bendorf will each be spending time on campus with students. On November 6 Morales will be a special guest in the undergraduate course, “Latinx Poetry Now,” taught by Professor Aragón. Baez Bendorf will be the guest of honor at a Letras Latinas colloquium on the morning of November 8, in the ILS scholars lounge, to discuss his chapbook, The Gospel According to X. Participants will include students in theology, English, creative writing, and Latino Studies. The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures and the José E. Fernández Fund are co-sponsors.

Letras Latinas strives to enhance the visibility, appreciation, and study of Latinx literature both on and off the campus of the University of Notre Dame—with an emphasis on programs that support newer voices, foster a sense of community among writers, and place Latinx writers in community spaces.Juan J. Morales’ latest book, The Handyman’s Guide to End Times, recently won 1st place at the 2019 International Latino Book Awards. Oliver Baez Bendorf’s most recent book, Advantages of Being Evergreen, won the Cleveland State University Poetry Center Open Book Poetry Competition. Roy Chicky Arad, a musician/performer and writer, is the editor of the poetry magazine, Ma’ayan.

The event is free and open to the public. Books will be available for purchase and signing; and food and beverages will also be part of the evening’s festivities.

For more information, contact Professor Francisco Aragon. Event link here.

Originally published by Institute for Latino Studies at latinostudies.nd.edu on November 04, 2019.