Liu Institute’s “Justice and Asia” funding opens with new opportunity for undergraduates

Author: Christine Cox

The Liu Institute for Asia and Asian Studies has opened its annual call for proposals for research on the theme “Justice and Asia.” 

Liu faculty fellows, Notre Dame graduate students, and Notre Dame undergraduates are invited to apply individually or as part of a collaborative team. Awards of up to $5,000 will be provided. The deadline for proposals is January 25, 2021.

All proposals should have Asia at their center, and for the 2020-21 academic year, the proposal review committee will give special consideration to proposals that address race and ethnicity in Asia, contributing to the campus-wide initiatives related to race and ethnicity.

Additionally, the Institute is providing separate funding for proposals by undergraduate students, either individually or collaboratively, to examine race and ethnicity in Asia. 

“Issues of race and ethnicity are playing a role in politics and society around the world,” said Liu Institute Director Michel Hockx. “It is especially important for students to gain a greater global perspective in this area, and we’re excited that the Liu Institute can contribute to undergraduate understanding about race and ethnicity in Asia through our new grant for undergrads.”

“Justice and Asia” Proposal Requirements

Priority is given to proposals that encourage meaningful collaboration between Liu faculty fellows and student(s), that deliver concrete outcomes (publications, events, creative work), and that benefit the visibility of the “Justice and Asia” theme on and beyond campus.

Additionally, for 2021-21, undergraduates, individually or collaboratively, are eligible for special “Justice and Asia” funding for projects that examine race and ethnicity in Asia. 

All proposals must include the following:
A short abstract indicating the scope of the project (≤ 200 words)
A project proposal that incorporates:
• Clearly defined deliverable(s)
• Significance of the project
• Methods
• Work plan and timeframe
• Collaborators (local and global)
• Barriers and challenges
• Alignment with the Liu Institute theme of "Justice in Asia"
Budget (formatted into a spreadsheet); if applicable please indicate other funding sources

Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year the Institute will ask applicants to submit proposals that include two options. 

Option 1 should outline the full scope of the project including travel with no limitations; 

Option 2 should be a modified proposal and budget plan to implement if travel is not possible in spring/summer 2021. 

For more information about the "Justice and Asia" theme, as well as previously funded projects, see

Originally published by Christine Cox at on October 30, 2020.