Mary Galvin: It is more meaningful to ask what we can do to end intolerance

Author: College of Science

Mary E. Galvin, William K. Warren Foundation Dean of the College of Science, addressed the issue of inequality with the students, faculty, and staff of the college:

Mary Galvin

Like many of you, I am deeply saddened by the recent killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery and by this vivid reminder of the racism and inequality that persists throughout our country.

Our Catholic character—which guides us to translate knowledge into human improvement for the betterment of society—calls upon us to seek equity for ALL people in our community here and in our society at large. For our African-American students and colleagues, I want you to know that you and your contributions to the advancement of science are valued here. We are all guided by our common human curiosity in our mission to prepare or become the scientific leaders of tomorrow; so too, let us join together to promote equity within our college. Success—whether individual, departmental, or collegial—depends upon equal access to opportunities and resources for all in our community.

It is easy to merely talk about these issues. Much harder, yet more meaningful, is to ask what we can do to end this legacy of intolerance. I call on each of you in the spirit of Notre Dame to ask yourselves what you can do. Let’s commit ourselves to a common goal: there can be no place for racism and intolerance here!

In Notre Dame,

Mary E. Galvin

William K. Warren Foundation Dean of the College of Science    

Originally published by College of Science at "": on June 09, 2020.