Matt Morrison recognized as champion for the advancement of women in the semiconductor industry

Author: NDnano Staff

Matt Morrison

The Global Semiconductor Alliance Women's Leadership Initiative (WLI) recently recognized Professor Matt Morrison, Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, with their Allyship Award.

The Allyship Program recognizes and celebrates men who champion the advancement of women and actively fosters a culture of inclusion and support within the semiconductor industry. The program's purpose is to highlight individuals who actively support, mentor, and advocate for women in the workplace.

Professor Morrison was nominated by Shari Liss, Executive Director of the SEMI Foundation, and Dr. Yan Li, Vice President, Engineering, Memory Technology at Western Digital, whose comments were shared in last week's WLI LinkedIn post:

"Matt's unwavering commitment to diversity and inclusion in the semiconductor industry directly aligns with the SEMI Foundation's mission to foster a more equitable and innovative future. His efforts, from increasing female enrollment in his VLSI Design course to organizing industry conferences that amplify women’s voices, are critical in shaping a diverse and dynamic workforce.

By mentoring women researchers and leading initiatives like the Design Automation Conference Summer School, Matt not only advances individual careers but also supports the SEMI Foundation’s goal of creating opportunities and breaking down barriers in the industry. His work ensures that the future of semiconductors is as inclusive as it is innovative and I’m honored to support his nomination." - Shari Liss

"Prof. Morrison’s conference Design the Solution has been a great success, in part because he is instrumental in his inclusion of women student researchers, and he has significantly increased women student participation in his yearly design tape-out courses." - Yan Li

Originally published by NDnano Staff at on September 04, 2024.