Crowley Steps out of her Father’s Shadow

Author: Daily Domer Staff

Megan Crowley

Brendan O’Shaughnessy | June 2017

Megan Crowley

When your father starts a drug company that saves your life and gets featured in a Hollywood film starring Harrison Ford, it can be hard to step into the spotlight on your own.

Especially when you’re in a wheelchair and have a tracheostomy tube for breathing. And when muscle weakness limits your voice strength and your ability to open your jaw more than two centimeters. And when you attend his alma mater.

But Megan Crowley, a rising junior at Notre Dame, loves shoes. So she’s putting her best foot forward to develop her personal brand online in a blog called High Heeled Wheels that documents her life and its challenges and triumphs as a person living with a rare disease called Pompe.

Read more here.

Originally published by Daily Domer Staff at on June 27, 2017.