ND community celebrates Las Posadas

Author: Daily Domer Staff

Las Posadas celebration

Megan Valley | November 30, 2016

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The Notre Dame community gathered Tuesday night at the Grotto to kick off the fourth annual celebration of Las Posadas. The event, whose Spanish title means “lodging,” represents Mary and Joseph’s search for shelter before Jesus’s birth.

Traditionally, Las Posadas is celebrated over nine days, but at Notre Dame it only lasts for three ever since it was started by Farley Hall rector Elaine DeBassige, sophomore organizer Audrey Immonen said.

“We’re hoping it’s a tradition that continues even when she’s not rector, so we’ve started to decentralize it; we’re working with Fisher Hall and Campus Ministry, who are hosting for the second and third nights,” she said.

DeBassige said she started the event because she missed celebrating it with her family in New Mexico.

“Every year since I can remember, my mom has hosted,” she said. “When I was growing up, people would dress up as Mary and Joseph and someone would lend a donkey for Mary to ride to the house. Once you’re in the house, it would be blessed by the priest for the advent season.”

Beginning at the Grotto, attendees — led by Mary and Joseph, portrayed by junior Katie Sisk and sophomore Gavin Ennis — walked and sang hymns as they made their way to Farley Hall, the organizer of the event and host for its first night.

Read more here. 

Originally published by Daily Domer Staff at dailydomer.nd.edu on November 30, 2016.