ND Law Hispanic Law Students Association board members gain insight and inspiration at 2024 Hispanic National Bar Association Convention

Author: Arienne Calingo

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The Notre Dame Law School Hispanic Law Students Association (HLSA) board members attended the 2024 Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) convention, held in Washington, D.C. from September 4 to 6. This dynamic event gathered hundreds of prominent judges, attorneys, law students, public officials, business leaders, and General Counsels from Fortune 100 companies and beyond.

Our HLSA students participated in an engaging program that featured Continuing Legal Education (CLE) panels covering an array of critical topics, including the role of federal agencies in serving the Latino community; harnessing neurodiversity and disability inclusion; the impact of trending immigration policies on global and domestic business operations; and data privacy considerations amidst the development of AI technologies. These sessions, led by top practitioners and national policymakers, provided invaluable insights into the evolving legal landscape. Beyond the panel discussions, attendees had opportunities to network with leaders from prominent law firms, corporations, and government agencies.

The keynote speakers were Commissioner Anna M. Gomez of the Federal Communications Commission, Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, and former NBA player and Olympic gold medalist Andre Iguodala.

Read about the unique experiences, reflections, and takeaways that our HLSA board members gained from attending the prestigious HNBA event.

“Attending the HNBA conference was an incredible opportunity for our board members. The event featured outstanding speakers and fostered an immediate sense of community, leading to invaluable connections. Key discussions covered critical issues such as the upcoming election's impact on the Hispanic community, mental health awareness within the Latino legal profession, and ways to actively drive change. The conference illuminated many challenges that Hispanic lawyers face today, but it also inspired and empowered me to contribute to the ongoing efforts for change.”

- Ava Moreno, Class of 2026, HLSA President

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“I am so grateful for the opportunity to connect with other Latin lawyers who have succeeded in their careers despite the hardship that minorities face along the way. I left the Hispanic National Bar Association Conference feeling inspired in who I am, what I can achieve, and the community that I belong to as a future Latin lawyer. I plan to continue being involved in HNBA in any way possible and one day mentor other aspiring Latin lawyers and tell them que si se puede!”

- Katherine Zeda, Class of 2026, HLSA Vice President

“I am incredibly thankful that HLSA was able to attend the HNBA conference this year. It is my hope that law students learn the value of joining these professional organizations early in their legal career.”

- Grace Cala, Class of 2026, HLSA Treasurer

HLSA board members

“As the first in my family to graduate college and pursue law school, attending the HNBA conference was a profoundly impactful experience. To be amid such an accomplished group of individuals who shared my background and aspirations left me feeling more energized, empowered, and resolute than ever to uplift my Latino community.”

- Stephanie Reyes, Class of 2026, HLSA Academic Chair

“It was inspiring to connect with so many trailblazing Latin lawyers who are making a real difference in their fields. I left with a deeper understanding of the importance of uplifting Hispanic voices and addressing key issues related to the upcoming election. Grateful for the knowledge shared and the powerful sense of community. Looking forward to continuing these important conversations!”

- Lara Yusem Carstens, Class of 2026, HLSA VP of Programming & Education

Originally published by Arienne Calingo at law.nd.edu on September 16, 2024.