Notre Dame International introduces new virtual series focused on global challenges during pandemic and beyond

Author: Colleen Wilcox

Global Rountable Series Graphicsweb

Notre Dame International (NDI) is launching a new series of virtual events dedicated to internationalizing conversations and introducing diverse perspectives. NDI’s Global Roundtable Series will partner with various departments and institutes across campus, as well as feature leaders from partner universities and institutions around the world.

“This series is an important way for NDI to realize its mission, particularly while international travel is less feasible,” says Rev. Robert Dowd, C.S.C, assistant provost for internationalization.

“Our overarching objective is to internationalize conversations on issues of vital importance in ways that enliven our Catholic mission, highlight Notre Dame's global reach, promote a comparative perspective on common challenges, and spark ideas for research and service that address such challenges.”

The first roundtable event, titled “Success and Challenges in Social Distancing: Perspectives from Brazil, Italy and Kenya,” is scheduled for Thursday, June 18, 2020. The event, moderated by Bernard Nahlen, director of the Eck Institute for Global Health, will feature three panelists from Brazil, Italy, and Kenya. The discussion will focus on social distancing and the unintended effects of lockdowns.

“Social distancing has been recommended globally as an essential step in preventing the spread of COVID-19,” says Nahlen. “However, the actual impact and unintended effects of social distancing are likely to vary in different country settings. We look forward to hearing the perspectives from three countries - Brazil, Italy and Mexico - and how today's experiences will help to inform our response to future pandemics.”

Learn more about the virtual event and register today.

Contact: Colleen Wilcox, Notre Dame International, 574-631-2513,

Originally published by Colleen Wilcox at on June 12, 2020.