Notre Dame International provides new opportunities for faculty collaboration in Mexico, China, Global Gateways

Author: Joya Helmuth


Notre Dame International (NDI) has released three new grant opportunities to encourage collaborative research between Notre Dame faculty and universities in Latin America, Asia, and Europe.

“These grant programs build upon the success of similar programs in Chile and Rome,” says Warren von Eschenbach, associate vice president and assistant provost for internationalization. “We aim to support Notre Dame faculty in extending the impact of their research and scholarship, and to establish long-term collaborations with pre-eminent research universities across the globe.”

Mexico City Collaboration Grants

As Fr. Jenkins noted during his trip to Mexico in July 2016, “The University of Notre Dame’s ties to Mexico reach back for more than a century. Notre Dame is excited by the promise of innovation and applied research in collaboration with Mexican business and universities. Notre Dame’s mission, and that of our partners in Mexico, is to produce future leaders armed to resist evil, trained to excel… [and] prepared always to do good in the world. [The] compass at Notre Dame now points south… it is critical for higher education… critical for the future of the Catholic Church… critical to confronting economic and social issues of the Americas. In short, Mexico is indispensable.­­­­­­­”

NDI is providing funding to build, sustain, and encourage academic and research collaboration (research projects, faculty and graduate student exchange, conferences, seminars, etc.) with leading universities in Mexico, especially Tec de Monterrey, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), Panamericana, and Iberoamericana. Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis and projects will be offered administrative and logistical support through the Notre Dame Mexico City Global Center.

This grant program supports the University’s broader strategy to engage Mexico and Latin America by building upon existing partnerships and creating new opportunities for research, scholarship, and graduate training.

Greater China Collaboration Grants

NDI is providing funding to build, sustain, and encourage academic and research collaboration (research projects, faculty and graduate student exchange, conferences, seminars, etc.) with select universities in mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Preference will be given to proposals that involve the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Yuan Ze University (Taiwan), Peking University, Tsinghua University, and Zhejiang University. However, proposals for cooperation with other universities in mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong will also be considered.

Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis and projects will be offered administrative and logistical support through the Beijing Global Gateway and/or the Hong Kong Global Center. Following the Beijing Global Gateway’s expansion, a seminar room (maximum seating capacity of forty) is available for faculty to present lectures, workshops, or seminars. A high-speed dedicated Internet connection between the University of Notre Dame campus and the Beijing Global Gateway will also be available as part of the Beijing Global Gateway’s expansion. Faculty are encouraged to utilize the Beijing Global Gateway’s seminar room and/or dedicated Internet connection as part of their proposed academic cooperation or program.

This grant program supports the University’s broader strategy to promote academic cooperation in the greater China region by building upon existing partnerships and creating new opportunities for research scholarly exchange.

Global Gateway Faculty Research Grants

The GGFRA is funded by Notre Dame International and Notre Dame Research. The program will provide annual funding up to $50,000 USD to support faculty research, and can be used either as a research grant or one-semester fellowship. The GGFRA is open to full-time, regular faculty from all Colleges, Schools, and fields of discipline, and the purpose of the award is to support internationally significant individual faculty research projects and/or collaborations with locally-based research academies, universities, or research groups.

More information on all available grants can be found here.

Contact Joya Helmuth, NDI communications director, via email or 574-631-2772.

Originally published by Joya Helmuth at on March 14, 2017.