Panel addresses 2016 election results

Author: Lucy Lynch, The Observer

“Where Do We Go From Here?” panel

Wtww2 2017

Paying tribute to the Martin Luther King Jr. speech of the same title, the Walk the Walk week panel event, “Where Do We Go From Here?” examined the 2016 election results and the future of American politics Wednesday night.

The event was led by panelists Timothy Matovina, co-director of the Institute for Latino Studies and professor of theology; Christina Wolbrecht, director of the Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy and associate professor of political science; Dianne Pinderhughes, chair of the Department of Africana Studies; and Luis Fraga, co-director of the Institute for Latino Studies. 

Following the question of racial tensions prompted by President Trump’s election, the event was “inspired by [voting results] but was also appropriate to document in the Walk the Walk week,” Pinderhughes said.

Pinderhughes opened the discussion by reading an excerpt from King’s “Where Do We Go From Here?” speech. Pinderhughes said “where we go from here” must involve a notion of understanding power, love and the ways in which these two concepts correspond.

Read the full article. 


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Originally published The Observer at on January 26, 2017.