Prayer Vigil for Peace: Keri Kei Shibata prayer

Author: Keri Kei Shibata

NDSP Chief Keri Kei Shibata’s prayer for fallen police officers and community members as well as their loved ones, based on Isaiah 61.

Good and just God, bestow upon us, your servants in law enforcement, ears to hear the truth and tongues to speak it; strong hands to do justice with grace and compassion; arms to protect those who need protection; courage and legs to stand when others fall; the Spirit and will to serve all those you love, no matter how unlovely; character that is beyond reproach; and hearts to love as you love.

May we bind up the brokenhearted, may we proclaim freedom for the true captives, may we comfort and provide for all who mourn and grieve, may we elicit praise rather than despair.

For you are the Lord. You love justice and hate iniquity and injustice. Forgive us for the times we have failed to do, think, love, serve and protect as you do. Help us rebuild and restore the broken and devastated.

May we renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations. Give us your heart for all the people.

In Christ’s name we pray.
