Scholarship to help sociology/pre-med student gain international educational experience

Author: Rina Buznea

Sociology and pre-med student King Fok

King Fok Receiving Award

We are proud to congratulate sociology and pre-med student King Fok on being awarded the 2016 Lord Acton Memorial Scholarship for his semester of study at the London Global Gateway.

Launched in 2012 by the Association of American Study Abroad Programmes (AASAP/UK), the Lord Acton Memorial Scholarship rewards a “deserving student’ who ‘demonstrates an understanding and appreciation of the value of an international educational experience.” This is the second year that a Notre Dame candidate has been selected for the highly prized opportunity. 

Sir Joseph Pilling, Honorary President of AASAP/UK, presented King with the £500 award at Boston University’s London headquarters on September 12.

In his acceptance speech, King explained how studying in London would help him pursue his dreams of becoming an orthopedic surgeon; he plans to research rehabilitative services for amputees and to volunteer with organizations that support disabled people. King will also complete a Parliamentary internship with the Minister for Schools, focusing on policies that ensure fair access to high-quality education. 

Addressing the AASAP/UK committee, King said:

“I can’t tell you how much this scholarship means to me and my family, and what a blessing it is to learn about the world beyond what I have had the chance to get to know. On behalf of all students who have the opportunity to study abroad: thank you for believing in us and supporting our goals. Thank you for standing with us, and thank you letting me call the UK my home.”


Originally published by Rina Buznea at on September 13, 2016.