Seen@ND: Karen Fulford

Author: Natalie Davis Miller, Managing Editor, NDWorks

Photo of Karen Fulford outside of Crowley Hall.

Karen Fulford has been at Notre Dame for nearly five years, beginning her career at St. Michael’s Laundry. She is currently working in Building Services as a custodian/traveler, maintaining the cleanliness of buildings assigned to her as well as traveling around campus to assist others on her team or work on special projects.

How would you describe your job?

I clean academic buildings and work on special projects such as residence hall clean-outs after move-out. I also clean up during construction renovations of residence halls. We clean every room including furniture, from the top floor to the bottom.

Where do you work?

I work in multiple academic buildings including Duncan Student Center, Mendoza, Hayes-Healy Center, Hurley Hall, and Crowley Hall, to name a few.

What do you like most about your job?

I love what I do. I like meeting new people, helping others, and just being the best teammate I can be. I like to make sure that everything is appropriate and well-maintained and clean for our students.

What makes you feel appreciated?

When faculty and staff and colleagues appreciate what you do and they say thank you.

What do you like most about working at Notre Dame?

I meet a lot of people from other places. One visitor asked me for directions to “Touchdown Jesus” (the Word of Life mural at the Hesburgh Library). He commented on how beautiful our campus is compared to his. And he was very kind and appreciative of the directions.

I also like working with my team. I can come to work, get my work done, and still have fun.

Do you have a fun fact you’d like to share?

I love a variety of music and I play multiple instruments. I was in band since fourth grade, and all the way through high school I’ve been involved with music. I was a section leader and a drum major in high school. I know how to play the snare drum, bass drum, clarinet, trombone, trumpet, and my favorite instrument—the flute.


Originally published by Natalie Davis Miller, Managing Editor, NDWorks at on July 26, 2024.