Soundreef internship bolsters Rome study abroad semester

Author: Costanza Montanari

Mary-Catherine McRoskeyClass 2016Major in Economics

Notre Dame’s vision for a robust study abroad experience includes rigorous engagement inside the classroom as well as outside of it, the latter often taking the form of internships. The Rome Global Gateway places great emphasis on internships in addition to service and research. Senior Mary-Catherine McRoskey, who studied abroad in Rome for spring 2015, leveraged her study abroad internship to gain professional experience while exploring academic and personal interests.  

Where did you intern and how did your experience enhance your academic pursuits?

This past spring, I had the opportunity to intern with Soundreef, a music rights company based in London. Soundreef was created in 2011 and specializes in background music royalties, specifically for the music that is played in retail stores and restaurants. The company works to benefit both musicians and respective users by creating an efficient and transparent business model in the transfer of rights. I am an economics major and the internship was a great opportunity to combine both my interest in music and economic studies.   

What did you learn at Soundreef that you might not have learned in the U.S.?

The music rights management industry in Europe is different from its U.S. counterpart and, until recently, each country had one entity that dealt with music rights, making the system pretty monopolized. Soundreef was created to compete with the existing companies and it works to help both artists and businesses alike. Artists are able to sign up with Soundreef, make more on their royalties than they would through their country’s music rights company, and receive their payments at a faster rate. On the other hand, businesses pay much less to Soundreef for the in-store music than they would if they used the other companies. 

What were some of the highlights of your Soundreef internship?

Because Soundreef is based in London, the whole internship was remote, which I enjoyed because I was given valuable projects, ranging from dealing with regulatory measures to marketing and commercial strategy. I would touch base with Soundreef weekly, typically through a Skype call. The extreme benefits of the internship came from the ability to learn both through text and real-world application. I had a positive experience interning while abroad, not only because I enjoyed the work and company, but also because it gave me the opportunity to experience the work culture of a new country.

Originally published by Costanza Montanari at on November 11, 2015.