Video: Cross-Cultural Leadership Program immerses students in Latino communities

Author: Todd Boruff

Gregory Jenn

“We’re able to go out into the community, speak Spanish, and really relate to the people on the ground level. I couldn’t have asked for anything better,” said Gregory Jenn, a junior political science and Romance languages major. He spent the summer of 2015 working for the Archdiocese of Chicago through the Cross-Cultural Leadership Program (CCLP).

CCLP is a three-credit, eight-week summer course administered by Notre Dame’s Institute for Latino Studies. This service-learning experience immerses students in organizations serving Latino communities in either Chicago, Los Angeles, or Washington, D.C. All living expenses are covered for the students during the program.

Dulce Macias, an international economics major, also participated in CCLP in Chicago. She helped facilitate financial education classes at The Resurrection Project, a community organization in the Pilsen area. “It has developed my leadership skills and built my confidence,” Macias said. “I’m really happy to be part of this program.”

For students interested in being a part of the program, an informational meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Nov. 10 in 135 Geddes Hall. Dinner will be provided.

You can also watch this video on YouTube.

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Originally published by Todd Boruff at on October 09, 2015.