Video: Mary Celeste Kearney on filmmaking and girls' media culture

Author: Todd Boruff

“The world of filmmaking and television production is dominated by men’s voices. We are not seeing enough representations that are actually from a girl or a woman’s perspective,” said Mary Celeste Kearney, associate professor of film, television, and theatre and concurrent faculty in the gender studies program at the University of Notre Dame.

Kearney’s research has focused primarily on gender, youth, and media culture. She noted that the presence of women in the media industries has not increased substantially despite the rising popularity of filmmaking in girls’ culture.

“Girls use photography and videography … as a form of communication and social networking and therefore don’t see that practice as something that they can readily adapt to a job or a career,” Kearney said. “I just truly believe that our media culture … has the ability of being so much more democratic than it currently is.”

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Originally published by Todd Boruff at on July 25, 2014.