Video: Meet Latino Studies major Juan Rangel

Author: Todd Boruff

“Latino studies is for anyone and for everything,” said Juan Rangel ’15, a Latino studies major in the College of Arts and Letters.

Latino studies is an interdisciplinary field engaged in understanding the fastest-growing population in the United States. Through the Institute for Latino Studies, students explore the latest Latino-focused research in fields such as anthropology, history, literature, and theology.

Rangel, who is also majoring in political science, appreciated the broad nature of the program, while also being able to focus his studies on the issue of immigration.

“So many different students are taking these courses and studying this field through sociology work, business interests, the medical field,” said Rangel, “so whatever one is studying, it’s very easy to apply that Latino studies field right next to it.”

Rangel received the 2015 Rev. A. Leonard Collins, C.S.C., Award, honoring a graduating senior who has made substantial personal efforts to advance the interests of students at Notre Dame. After graduation, Rangel accepted a position with the National Immigration Law Center in Washington, D.C.

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Originally published by Todd Boruff at on August 10, 2015.