Video: Meet Theology major Jenna Ahn

Author: Todd Boruff

“It’s really been a chance to learn and grow in my faith and to also be challenged by it,” says senior Jenna Ahn of her theology major in Notre Dame’s College of Arts and Letters. “It’s been the best fit for me.”

Ahn appreciates the depth of the Catholic tradition, which she has discovered through her theological studies. “When you read these texts that are so full of conviction and story and witness, … it really makes you think about our tradition, and it puts things into perspective for your own faith,” says Ahn, who is also majoring in Arts and Letters pre-health.

With support from Notre Dame’s Center for Undergraduate Scholarly Engagement and Center for Social Concerns, Ahn spent two summers in Kolkata, India working with the Missionaries of Charity. There, she developed the topic for her senior honors thesis, focusing on contemporary theologies of mission. Ahn notes that observing the “convicted witness” of the missionaries and volunteers “really changes your life and makes you question, ‘What was I called to do?’”

After graduation, Ahn will spend 27 months serving in an an orphanage in Honduras called the Farm of the Child.

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Originally published by Todd Boruff at on April 03, 2014.