Virtual discussion to address disability and inclusivity amid coronavirus

Author: Christine Cox

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Experts from Asia and Notre Dame will join a Zoom webinar for the discussion “Inclusivity in the Post-Pandemic World” on Wednesday, August 5. The event starts at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time and 6:30 p.m. India Standard Time. Registration is required at

The discussion will center around the challenges people with disabilities face during the pandemic and what the future holds for inclusivity on a global level. The World Health Organization estimates 15% of the world’s population lives with some form of disability. The sudden global outbreak of coronavirus has created immediate challenges and heretofore unimaginable situations for people with disabilities to navigate.

This event is the third in the series Global Fragility and Pandemic: Insight from Asia and Notre Dame, sponsored by the Liu Institute for Asia and Asian Studies, Notre Dame International (NDI) and its Mumbai Global Center.

Michel Hockx, director of the Liu Institute for Asia and Asian Studies, will moderate the event.

Panelists are disability motivational speaker Alex Montoya, a 1996 Notre Dame graduate who owns A-MOtivational Communications in San Diego; educator and musician Mala Ramadorai, the chair of Citi Academy for Special Education in Mumbai; and Neeta Verma, the Robert P. Sedlack, Jr. Associate Professor of Visual Communication Design at the University of Notre Dame, whose research focuses on designing for the visually impaired.

The first two events were “Sustainable Business Development in the Age of Coronavirus,” held in conjunction with NDI’s Hong Kong Global Center, and “The UN Sustainable Development Goals During Coronavirus,” held in conjunction with NDI’s Beijing Global Gateway.

More information about the series and the first two events can be found here:


Originally published by Christine Cox at on July 21, 2020.